My Own Skin Journey.

As a teenager, I battled with stubborn acne, and let me tell you, it really messed with my head. Teenagers can be brutal, and no matter how many drugstore products I tried, nothing seemed to work. It got to the point where I dreaded going to school because of how self-conscious I felt about my skin. Living in a small town in Donegal didn't help either – caring about skincare wasn't exactly the trend back then.

I eventually saw a dermatologist who put me on Roaccutane, which did clear up my acne, but boy, did it wreak havoc on my skin! It dried it out so much that it felt like it was peeling off in layers, and the list of side effects was longer than my arm.

Fast forward to my 30s, and my skin started acting up again. My GP prescribed antibiotics, but after a few years, I realized it wasn't even acne – it was rosacea! Fed up with relying on meds, I decided to look for a better solution. That's when I stumbled upon Cosmeceutical skincare, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. No more flare-ups, and the routine is so simple.

If you're going through something similar with your skin, shoot me a message or give me a call. Happy to chat about it anytime.